On site hotel. Offering a block of rooms with special rates for Saturday and for Sunday. Please confirm your reservation through the hotels website http://www.vintage-hotels.com/reservations.htm
entering the reservation #3883852 in the group ID box of the booking screen. Or you can book by calling 1-888-669-5566 ext. 879998 and requesting the reservation line identifying yourself as the attendees of the
De Nicolais/Tozer Wedding.
Keep in mind that check-in is at 3pm. The ceremony is also at 3pm. You can request an earlier arrival when you book but it cannot be guaranteed until the morning of. If they cannot honour early check-in please come already dressed and prepared for the wedding. You can always check your bags at the front desk then check in after the ceremony.
This hotel is a 3 minute drive from The Pillar & Post hotel. Rates are much more affordable per night. You’re required to book online or by phone. Free breakfast!!
This hotel is about an 18 minute drive from The Pillar & Post. They have better rates.